5 Jan 2013

Getting the Eclipse And Installing Eclipse

Now that you have the SDK, you need an integrated development environment (IDE) to use it. It’s time to download Eclipse...!!!

Choosing the right Eclipse version :

Downloading the correct version of Eclipse is very important. Check the Android System Requirements page at http://developer.android.com/sdk/requirements.html.

If you’re still unsure, download Eclipse Juno (version 4.2). When you download the file, you’ll probably need to find the Older Versions link on the download page and select the latest indigo version.

To download the correct version, navigate to the Eclipse downloads page (www.eclipse.org/downloads); select the Older Versions link; and then select Eclipse IDE for Java Developers. Eclipse IDE for JAVA EE Developers works as well.

Installing Eclipse :

Eclipse is a self-contained executable file; after you unzip it, the program is installed. Even though you could stop here, it’s best to pin a shortcut to your Start menu so that Eclipse is easy to find when you need it.

To install Eclipse, you need to extract the contents of the Eclipse .zip file to the location of your choice. For this example, I’ll be using C:\ProgramFiles\Eclipse.

To install Eclipse, follow these steps:

1. Double-click the shortcut that you just created to run Eclipse. If you’re running a recent version of Windows, the first time you run Eclipse, a Security Warning dialog box may appear, as shown in Figure. This dialog box tells you that the publisher has not been verified and asks whether you still want to run the software. Clear the Always Ask Before Opening This File check box, and click the Run button

Installing Eclipse

2. Set your workspace.

When Eclipse starts, the first thing you see is the Workspace Launcher dialog box, as shown in Figure 2-17. Here, you can modify your workspace if you want, but for this blog, I’m sticking with the default:
"c:\users\<username>\workspace" Leave the Use This as the Default and Do Not Ask Again check box deselected,and click the OK button.

Installing Eclipse

If you plan to develop multiple applications, I recommend using a separate workspace for each project. If you store multiple projects in one workspace, it gets difficult to keep things organized, and it’s easy to change a similarly named file in a different project. Keeping projects in their own workspaces makes it easier to find the project when you have to go back to it to fix bugs.

When Eclipse finishes loading, you see the Eclipse welcome screen, shown in Figure.

Installing Eclipse

3. Click the curved-arrow icon on the right side of the screen to go to the workbench.

Eclipse is installed and easily accessible. I show you how to add the Android Development Tools in the next Post.

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