20 Apr 2013

HexaDecimal Color Codes List Using in Android Xml File

Used these Hex code to change the color code of Android Activity Layout.....


Color Name RGB CODE HEX # Sample
Snow 255-250-250 fffafa
Snow 2 238-233-233 eee9e9
Snow 3 205-201-201 cdc9c9
Snow 4 139-137-137 8b8989
Ghost White 248-248-255 f8f8ff
White Smoke 245-245-245 f5f5f5
Gainsboro 220-220-220 dccdc
Floral White 255-250-240 fffaf0
Old Lace 253-245-230 fdf5e6
Linen 240-240-230 faf0e6
Antique White 250-235-215 faebd7
Antique White 2 238-223-204 eedfcc
Antique White 3 205-192-176 cdc0b0
Antique White 4 139-131-120 8b8378
Papaya Whip 255-239-213 ffefd5
Blanched Almond 255-235-205 ffebcd
Bisque 255-228-196 ffe4c4
Bisque 2 238-213-183 eed5b7
Bisque 3 205-183-158 cdb79e
Bisque 4 139-125-107 8b7d6b
Peach Puff 255-218-185 ffdab9
Peach Puff 2 238-203-173 eecbad
Peach Puff 3 205-175-149 cdaf95
Peach Puff 4 139-119-101 8b7765
Navajo White 255-222-173 ffdead
Moccasin 255-228-181 ffe4b5
Cornsilk 255-248-220 fff8dc
Cornsilk 2 238-232-205 eee8dc
Cornsilk 3 205-200-177 cdc8b1
Cornsilk 4 139-136-120 8b8878
Ivory 255-255-240 fffff0
Ivory 2 238-238-224 eeeee0
Ivory 3 205-205-193 cdcdc1
Ivory 4 139-139-131 8b8b83
Lemon Chiffon 255-250-205 fffacd
Seashell 255-245-238 fff5ee
Seashell 2 238-229-222 eee5de
Seashell 3 205-197-191 cdc5bf
Seashell 4 139-134-130 8b8682
Honeydew 240-255-240 f0fff0
Honeydew 2 244-238-224 e0eee0
Honeydew 3 193-205-193 c1cdc1
Honeydew 4 131-139-131 838b83
Mint Cream 245-255-250 f5fffa
Azure 240-255-255 f0ffff
Alice Blue 240-248-255 f0f8ff
Lavender 230-230-250 e6e6fa
Lavender Blush 255-240-245 fff0f5
Misty Rose 255-228-225 ffe4e1
White 255-255-255 ffffff


Color Name RGB CODE HEX # Sample
Black 0-0-0 000000
Dark Slate Gray 49-79-79 2f4f4f
Dim Gray 105-105-105 696969
Slate Gray 112-138-144 708090
Light Slate Gray 119-136-153 778899
Gray 190-190-190 bebebe
Light Gray 211-211-211 d3d3d3


Color Name RGB CODE HEX # Sample
Midnight Blue 25-25-112 191970
Navy 0-0-128 000080
Cornflower Blue 100-149-237 6495ed
Dark Slate Blue 72-61-139 483d8b
Slate Blue 106-90-205 6a5acd
Medium Slate Blue 123-104-238 7b68ee
Light Slate Blue 132-112-255 8470ff
Medium Blue 0-0-205 0000cd
Royal Blue 65-105-225 4169e1
Blue 0-0-255 0000ff
Dodger Blue 30-144-255 1e90ff
Deep Sky Blue 0-191-255 00bfff
Sky Blue 135-206-250 87ceeb
Light Sky Blue 135-206-250 87cefa
Steel Blue 70-130-180 4682b4
Light Steel Blue 176-196-222 b0c4de
Light Blue 173-216-230 add8e6
Powder Blue 176-224-230 b0e0e6
Pale Turquoise 175-238-238 afeeee
Dark Turquoise 0-206-209 00ced1
Medium Turquoise 72-209-204 48d1cc
Turquoise 64-224-208 40e0d0
Cyan 0-255-255 00ffff
Light Cyan 224-255-255 e0ffff
Cadet Blue 95-158-160 5f9ea0


Color Name RGB CODE HEX # Sample
Medium Aquamarine 102-205-170 66cdaa
Aquamarine 127-255-212 7fffd4
Dark Green 0-100-0 006400
Dark Olive Green 85-107-47 556b2f
Dark Sea Green 143-188-143 8fbc8f
Sea Green 46-139-87 2e8b57
Medium Sea Green 60-179-113 3cb371
Light Sea Green 32-178-170 20b2aa
Pale Green 152-251-152 98fb98
Spring Green 0-255-127 00ff7f
Lawn Green 124-252-0 7cfc00
Chartreuse 127-255-0 7fff00
Medium Spring Green 0-250-154 00fa9a
Green Yellow 173-255-47 adff2f
Lime Green 50-205-50 32cd32
Yellow Green 154-205-50 9acd32
Forest Green 34-139-34 228b22
Olive Drab 107-142-35 6b8e23
Dark Khaki 189-183-107 bdb76b
Khaki 240-230-140 f0e68c


Color Name RGB CODE HEX # Sample
Pale Goldenrod 238-232-170 eee8aa
Light Goldenrod Yellow 250-250-210 fafad2
Light Yellow 255-255-224 ffffe0
Yellow 255-255-0 ffff00
Gold 255-215-0 ffd700
Light Goldenrod 238-221-130 eedd82
Goldenrod 218-165-32 daa520
Dark Goldenrod 184-134-11 b8860b


Color Name RGB CODE HEX # Sample
Rosy Brown 188-143-143 bc8f8f
Indian Red 205-92-92 cd5c5c
Saddle Brown 139-69-19 8b4513
Sienna 160-82-45 a0522d
Peru 205-133-63 cd853f
Burlywood 222-184-135 deb887
Beige 245-245-220 f5f5dc
Wheat 245-222-179 f5deb3
Sandy Brown 244-164-96 f4a460
Tan 210-180-140 d2b48c
Chocolate 210-105-30 d2691e
Firebrick 178-34-34 b22222
Brown 165-42-42 a52a2a


Color Name RGB CODE HEX # Sample
Dark Salmon 233-150-122 e9967a
Salmon 250-128-114 fa8072
Light Salmon 255-160-122 ffa07a
Orange 255-165-0 ffa500
Dark Orange 255-140-0 ff8c00
Coral 255-127-80 ff7f50
Light Coral 240-128-128 f08080
Tomato 255-99-71 ff6347
Orange Red 255-69-0 ff4500
Red 255-0-0 ff0000


Color Name RGB CODE HEX # Sample
Hot Pink 255-105-180 ff69b4
Deep Pink 255-20-147 ff1493
Pink 255-192-203 ffc0cb
Light Pink 255-182-193 ffb6c1
Pale Violet Red 219-112-147 db7093
Maroon 176-48-96 b03060
Medium Violet Red 199-21-133 c71585
Violet Red 208-32-144 d02090
Violet 238-130-238 ee82ee
Plum 221-160-221 dda0dd
Orchid 218-112-214 da70d6
Medium Orchid 186-85-211 ba55d3
Dark Orchid 153-50-204 9932cc
Dark Violet 148-0-211 9400d3
Blue Violet 138-43-226 8a2be2
Purple 160-32-240 a020f0
Medium Purple 147-112-219 9370db
Thistle 216-191-216 d8bfd8

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5 Jan 2013

Starting a New Project in Eclipse

You need to start Eclipse. After it’s started, you should see something that looks similar to Figure. Now you’re ready to start a new project in Eclipse with Android.

Starting a New Project in Eclipse

1. In Eclipse, choose File➪New➪Project.
The New Project/Select a Wizard dialog box opens, as shown in Figure.

Starting a New Project in Eclipse

2. From the New Project/Select a Wizard dialog box, expand the Android item by clicking the Android folder.

3. After the Android folder is expanded, click Android Project and then click the Next button.

4. In the Project Name field, type Hello Android.

5. In the Contents panel, leave the default radio button Create New Project in Workspace and the check box Use Default Location selected.

Starting a New Project in Eclipse

6. In the Build Target section, select Android 2.2.

Starting a New Project in Eclipse

7. In the Properties section, type Hello Android in the Application Name box.

8. In the Package Name box, type com.android.helloandroid. This is the name of the Java package.

9. In the Create Activity box, type MainActivity.

10. In the Min SDK Version box, type 8.

11. Click the Finish button.

You’re done! You should see Eclipse with a single project in the Package Explorer, as shown in Figure.

Starting a New Project in Eclipse
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Get physical with a real Android device

The emulator is awesome, but sometimes you need an actual device to test on. The DDMS allows you to debug your app on an actual device, which comes in handy for developing apps that use hardware features that aren’t or can’t be emulated. Suppose that you’re developing an app that tracks the user’s location. You can send coordinates to the device manually, but at some point in your development, you probably want to test the app and find out whether it in fact displays the correct location. Using an actual device is the only way to do this.

 If you develop on a Windows machine and want to test your app on a real device, you need to install a driver. If you’re on a Mac or Linux machine, you can skip this section, because you don’t need to install the USB driver.

To download the Windows USB driver for Android devices, follow these steps:

1. In Eclipse, choose Window➪Android SDK and AVD Manager. The Android SDK and AVD Manager dialog box opens (see Figure).

2. In the left pane, select Available Packages.

3. Expand the Android repository, and select the USB Driver package.

physical with a real Android device

4. Click the Install Selected button. The Choose Packages to Install dialog box opens.

5. Select the Accept radio button to accept the license and then click the Install button (see Figure).The Installing Archives dialog box opens, displaying a progress bar.

physical with a real Android device

6. When the package finishes downloading and installing, click the Close button.

7. Exit the Android SDK and AVD Manager dialog box.
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Configuring Eclipse - Setting up Eclipse with the ADT

 To set up Eclipse with the ADT, follow these steps:

1. Start Eclipse, if it’s not already running.

2. Choose Help➪Install New Software. The Install window pops up (see Figure). This window allows you to install new plug-ins in Eclipse.

3. Click the Add button to add a new site that will display the Add Repository window (see Figure). Sites are the Web addresses where the software is hosted on the Internet. Adding a site to Eclipse makes it easier for you to update the software when a new version is released.

Setting up Eclipse

4. Type a name in the Name field. I recommend using Android ADT, but it can be anything you choose.

5. Type https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/ in the Location field.

Setting up Eclipse

6. Click the OK button. Android ADT is selected in the Work With drop-down menu, and the available options are displayed in the Name and Version window of the Install Details dialog box.

7. In the Install dialog box, select the check box next to Developer Tools, and click the Next button (see Figure).
Setting up Eclipse

 The Install Details dialog box should list both the Android Dalvik Debug Monitor Server and the ADT (see Figure).

Setting up Eclipse

8. Click the Next button to review the software licenses.

9. Click the Finish button.

10. When you’re prompted to do so, click the Restart Now button to restart Eclipse.

The ADT plug-in is installed.

Setting the location of the SDK :

In this section, I guide you through the configuration process. I know that this seems like a lot to do, but you’re almost done, and you have to do this work only once. Follow these steps:

1. Choose Window➪Preferences. The Preferences dialog box opens (see Figure).

2. Select Android in the left pane.

3. Set the SDK Location to C:\android\android-sdk-windows.

4. Click OK.

Setting up Eclipse
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Getting the Eclipse And Installing Eclipse

Now that you have the SDK, you need an integrated development environment (IDE) to use it. It’s time to download Eclipse...!!!

Choosing the right Eclipse version :

Downloading the correct version of Eclipse is very important. Check the Android System Requirements page at http://developer.android.com/sdk/requirements.html.

If you’re still unsure, download Eclipse Juno (version 4.2). When you download the file, you’ll probably need to find the Older Versions link on the download page and select the latest indigo version.

To download the correct version, navigate to the Eclipse downloads page (www.eclipse.org/downloads); select the Older Versions link; and then select Eclipse IDE for Java Developers. Eclipse IDE for JAVA EE Developers works as well.

Installing Eclipse :

Eclipse is a self-contained executable file; after you unzip it, the program is installed. Even though you could stop here, it’s best to pin a shortcut to your Start menu so that Eclipse is easy to find when you need it.

To install Eclipse, you need to extract the contents of the Eclipse .zip file to the location of your choice. For this example, I’ll be using C:\ProgramFiles\Eclipse.

To install Eclipse, follow these steps:

1. Double-click the shortcut that you just created to run Eclipse. If you’re running a recent version of Windows, the first time you run Eclipse, a Security Warning dialog box may appear, as shown in Figure. This dialog box tells you that the publisher has not been verified and asks whether you still want to run the software. Clear the Always Ask Before Opening This File check box, and click the Run button

Installing Eclipse

2. Set your workspace.

When Eclipse starts, the first thing you see is the Workspace Launcher dialog box, as shown in Figure 2-17. Here, you can modify your workspace if you want, but for this blog, I’m sticking with the default:
"c:\users\<username>\workspace" Leave the Use This as the Default and Do Not Ask Again check box deselected,and click the OK button.

Installing Eclipse

If you plan to develop multiple applications, I recommend using a separate workspace for each project. If you store multiple projects in one workspace, it gets difficult to keep things organized, and it’s easy to change a similarly named file in a different project. Keeping projects in their own workspaces makes it easier to find the project when you have to go back to it to fix bugs.

When Eclipse finishes loading, you see the Eclipse welcome screen, shown in Figure.

Installing Eclipse

3. Click the curved-arrow icon on the right side of the screen to go to the workbench.

Eclipse is installed and easily accessible. I show you how to add the Android Development Tools in the next Post.
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Following and setting your tools path

This step is optional, but I highly recommend setting the tools path because it saves you from having to remember and type the full path when you’re accessing the Android Debug Bridge (adb) via the command line. The adb lets you manage the state of an emulator or Android device so that you can debug your application or interact with the device at a high level. The adb tool is very in-depth, so I don’t go into a lot of detail about it here.

To add the Android tools to your system-path variable, follow these steps:

1. Open Control Panel, and double-click the System icon to open System Preferences.

2. Click the Advanced System Settings link (see Figure) to open the System Properties window.

3. Click the Environment Variables button (see Figure) to bring up the Environment Variables dialog box.

4. Click the New button (see Figure).

5. In the Variable Name field, type ANDROID.

6. Type the full path to the tools directory (c:\android\android-sdkwindows\tools) in the Variable Value field (see Figure).

7. Click OK.

8. In the System Variables window of the resulting dialog box (see Figure), select the PATH variable.

9. Click Edit and then type the following text at the end of the Variable Value field:

That’s it; you’re done. Now any time you access the Android tools directory,
just use your newly created system variable.

In most operating systems, your system PATH variable won’t be updated until you log out of and log back on to your operating system. If you find that your PATH variable values aren’t present, try logging out of and logging back on to your computer.
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Acquiring the Android SDK

Android SDK is composed of a debugger, Android libraries, a device emulator, documentation, sample code, and tutorials. You can’t develop Android apps without it.

Downloading the Android SDK :
To download the Android SDK, follow these steps:

1. Point your browser to http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html.

2. Choose the latest version of the SDK starter package for your platform.

3. Extract the SDK.

I recommend extracting to c:\android because I reference this location later in this Blog. You’ve just downloaded the Android SDK.

4. Navigate to the directory where you extracted the SDK, and doubleclick SDK Setup, as shown in Figure:

Android SDK

5. If you’re prompted to accept the authenticity of the file, click Yes. The Android SDK and AVD Manager dialog box opens.

6. Select the SDK Platform Android 2.2 check box. For the purposes of this book, select version 2.2, as shown in Figure.

Android SDK

Every time a new version of the Android OS is released, Google also releases an SDK that contains access to the added functionality in that version. If you want to include Bluetooth functionality in your app, for

example, make sure that you have Android SDK version 2.0 or later, because this functionality isn’t available in earlier versions.

7. Click Install Selected. The Choose Packages to Install dialog box opens.

8. Select the Accept radio button to accept the license and then click Install (see Figure).

Android SDK

9. In the next dialog box, select Accept and click Install.The Installing Archives dialog box opens, displaying a progress bar (see Figure).

Android SDK

10. When the archives installation is complete, click the Close button. While the Android SDK is attempting to connect to the servers to obtain the files, you may occasionally receive a Failure to fetch URL error.

If this happens to you, navigate to Settings, select Force https://... Sources to be Fetched Using http://, and then attempt to download the available packages again.
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Getting the Java Development Kit (Java SDK)

Installing the JDK can be a somewhat daunting task, but I guide you through it one Downloading the JDK :

Follow these steps to install the JDK:
1. Point your browser to http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp. The Java SE downloads page appears.

Installing the JDK

2. Click the JDK link under the Java Platform (JDK) heading (see in Figure). This link is on the http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp page at this writing.

The Web page shown in Figure may look different in the future. To ensure that you’re visiting the correct page.

If you’re on a Mac, install the JDK through Software Update panel.

A new Java SE downloads page appears, asking you to specify which platform (Windows, Linux, or Mac) you’ll be using for your development work.

3. Using the Platform drop-down list, confirm your platform, and then click the Download button. An optional Log in for Download screen appears.

4. Click the Skip This Step link at the bottom of the page.

5. Click JDK-6u20-windows-i586.exe to download the file.Windows opens a message box with a security warning, as shown in Figure.

6. In the Save As dialog box, select the location where you want to save the file, and click Save.

You must remember what version of the Java SDK you need to install. At this writing, Android 2.2 supports Java SDK versions 5 and 6. If you install the wrong version of Java, you’ll get unexpected results during development.

Installing the JDK

Installing the JDK :
When the download is complete, double-click the file to install the JDK. You are prompted by a dialog box that asks whether you want to allow the program to make changes to your computer. Click the Yes button. If you click the No button, the installation is stopped. When you’re prompted to do so, read and accept the license agreement. That’s all there is to it! You have the JDK installed and are ready to move to the next phase.
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Installing and Configuring Your Support Tools

Now it’s starting to get exciting. It’s time to get this Android going, but before you can do so, you need to install and configure a few tools, including SDKs:

1. Java JDK: Lays the foundation for the Android SDK.

 2. Android SDK: Provides access to Android libraries and allows you to develop for Android.

 3. Eclipse IDE (integrated development environment): Brings together Java, the Android SDK, and the Android ADT (Android Development Tools), and provides tools for you to write your Android programs.

 4. Android ADT: Does a lot of the grunt work for you, such as creating the files and structure required for an Android app.

"A benefit of working with open-source software is that most of the time, you can get the tools to develop the software for free. Android is no exception to that rule. All the tools that you need to develop rich Android applications are free of charge."
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