To add the Android tools to your system-path variable, follow these steps:
1. Open Control Panel, and double-click the System icon to open System Preferences.
2. Click the Advanced System Settings link (see Figure) to open the System Properties window.
3. Click the Environment Variables button (see Figure) to bring up the Environment Variables dialog box.
4. Click the New button (see Figure).
5. In the Variable Name field, type ANDROID.
6. Type the full path to the tools directory (c:\android\android-sdkwindows\tools) in the Variable Value field (see Figure).
7. Click OK.
8. In the System Variables window of the resulting dialog box (see Figure), select the PATH variable.
9. Click Edit and then type the following text at the end of the Variable Value field:
That’s it; you’re done. Now any time you access the Android tools directory,
just use your newly created system variable.
In most operating systems, your system PATH variable won’t be updated until you log out of and log back on to your operating system. If you find that your PATH variable values aren’t present, try logging out of and logging back on to your computer. Follow @amardeepvijay
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