2 Apr 2015

Install an APK file in the Android emulator.

  1. Execute the emulator (SDK Manager.exe->Tools->Manage AVDs...->New then Start)
  2. Start the console (Windows XP), Run -> type cmd, and move to the platform-tools folder ofSDK directory.
  3. Paste the APK file in the 'platform-tools' folder.

  4. Then type the following command.
    adb install [.apk path]

    adb install C:\Users\Name\MyProject\build\xyz.apk

In Linux the adb file is found in platform-tools directory under the SDK root directory

PATH=$PATH:"adb location"  
Example : PATH=$PATH:/users/jorgesys/eclipse/android-sdk-mac_64/tools
Then run adb.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post. I Have Been wondering about this issue, so thanks for posting. Pretty cool post.It 's really very nice and Useful post.Thanks este
